Doks v0.4 🎉

Posted February 14, 2022 by Henk Verlinde ‐ 2 min read

Version 0.4 is here! Multi level section menu (three levels deep), auto generated section menu, new docs based tree — with a single command, sub navigation main menu (one level deep), and more.

Multi level section menu

Multi level section menu

Now you can have a multi level section menu (three levels deep). Available for both the collapsibile section menu and the default one.

Multi level breadcrumb

Works with the breadcrumb option if set.

Menus →

Auto generated section menu

    auto = true
    collapsibleSidebar = true

You now have the option to let Doks auto generate the section menu from the directory folder (tree) structure. No manual configuration needed and respects set weight. Available for both the collapsibile section menu and the default one.

Menus →

New docs based tree

Create a docs based tree — with a single command:

npm run create -- --kind docs [section]

For example, create a docs based tree named guides:

npm run create -- --kind docs guides

Commands →

Sub navigation main menu

Doks now also supports sub navigation for the main menu (one level deep).

Menus →

Details shortcode

Details shortcode

Add a disclosure widget with the Doks details shortcode. Information is visible only when the widget is toggled into open state.

{{< details "Markdown and HTML" >}}
_Markdown_ and <em>HTML</em> will be rendered.
{{< /details >}}

Details →

Alert types

Alert types

You can now add context to page alerts (info, success, warning, or danger).

{{< alert icon="👉" context="info" text="A simple info alert — check it out!" />}}

Alerts →

Last modified date

Alert types

You can now show the last modified date (using the last Git revision date).

Edit page →

Other features and fixes


  • Add scroll position lock to default docs sidebar
  • Set font weight active page to 500
  • Add full width as an option
  • Support local Jost font from both Google Fonts and indestructible type*
  • Fix searchable copy button text (when hidden)


  • Simplify heading rendering
  • Fix error import Mermaid script
  • Add error handling image not found
  • Add remote image support

Global alert


  • Improve feedback no search results found
  • Plainify index values
  • Fix arrow key navigation error
  • Add .Summary as fallback for .Description search results

Full changelog →

What’s next

  • Better blog pages
  • Add site wide search as an option

Milestones →


Thank for all contributions to discussions, bugfixes, features, or documentation!

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